Friday, February 10, 2006

Good cop, bad cop? or A practical bargaining strategy *

*when shopping for fake bags, jeans and other absolutely essetial mass-consumption-dubbed luxurious fashionable items in Shenzhen/China

First of all and before I forget: After a lot of posts and being here almost a month, thank you to everyone looking into my blog once in a while! I have gotten some comments concerning the length of my “short-stories” which seem to be rather time consuming to actually read, but I really appreciate the effort of those who have so far attempted to it. In the future I will try to cut the posts into smaller bids or subdivide for you to make your pick of what might be interesting. And I will try to censor less, since I notice that I am more and more doing that to- naturally, to bridge between different audiences of readers, but still, where is the authenticity *naturel*? And please give some more comments and critique (although I know that everyone is always very busy and I seldom handle it well, I promise to publish all comments though) or questions of what is of any interest… or then just fly over!

I always get into the writing-modus in the middle of the night. It is strange, since I am usually completely tired (which reflects in my writing and slight use of sarcasm). Am sitting in front of my laptop- it is dark and a bit cold- and am drinking soy-based chocolate milk- what a delicacy!
Had a quiet evening today and tested barbecue which we bought last week at Jusco for HKD 75 on our roof-top terrace light with Ikea candles. Team Sweden went for a Vietnamese dinner in town (that is what we call all the groups from one country), so we had a Team Finland BBQ “at home”. Highlight: I made perunamuussi, which was believe me sooo good after one month of rice/ricenoodles! No offence, the food is good although rumors of bird flue in HK have been spreading here the last days – we are bombed with emails from the Uni including all kinds of safety measures etc.

The whole day otherwise today went into cleaning the apartment (I have no classes on Friday, i.e. the weekend starts Thursday at noon) with a slight hangover: we held our official housewarming party yesterday! Since a lot of people went to Singapore for the weekend, we hoped it would be a less crowded party (or at least not 200 people): here it does not matter who is invited; everyone of the exchanges knows everyone and in the end all show up anyway. It turned out to be around 80 of us in our place and on the roof; a lot of beer and vodka and birthday cake (it is always someone’s birthday). The Norwegians brought good red wine, some Brits brought music and speakers- it was fun, but we had to throw people out at midnight (police car with ten cops outside: they only took notes but still..) The party however continued in town until around 4:30 (or that is at least when I went to bed) and later.
In the morning (around noon) I started cleaning, it was not even substantially that bad which tells of the people- I start to get the feeling that there are some really cool people around… In the afternoon went to play tennis and to jog. Now just finished writing some job applications although I must say I do not give a s*** (excusez-moi) right now about whether I should work or even try to find work for the summer. And it is desperate. Wow, I can’t believe I am slowly turning younger and into a disinterested, easy going person that just enjoy hanging out without feeling bad about it (well, maybe not quite yet…) Skipped classes on Wednesday to go shopping in Shenzhen (and bought some nice stuff). Never thought that could happen to me…(ok, it was only one class and the classes are worth more here to be skipped than to be attended- I am so fed up with all the bureaucracy regarding course selection here!!! But will not go into that now.)
But seriously speaking (back to the job situation): The worst case scenario is that I will travel and stay around here until August- I like this scenario very much… Could go to Bali and learn how to surf….Have to think about it.

... (sorry for all the brackets) ...


Blogger Katja said...

Hi there! And greetings from the sun:) I just have to say that i'm becoming that kind of person too: your plan sounds so good that i suggest we buy surf boards and go to Bali together after the semester.. =D

The lessons actually start here only next week but after one orientation day i'm already fed up with sitting indoors.. And what comes to the job: don't worry about that yet, it's not worth it!!

Take care!

8:08 AM  

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